Physical health should be taken seriously through all stages of life. Being active will strengthen your muscles and joints, making it easier to do daily activities.
Tips for Tryouts From Our Hockey Coordinator
Tryouts have already begun for the Meijer State Games of Michigan Summer Games in the upper peninsula in Marquette. Starting in May, there will be hockey tryouts almost every weekend in the Grand Rapids area. The Hockey Coordinator at Meijer State Games of Michigan, Will Healy, shares his tips on preparing for tryouts.
Being Active Will Lead To Improved Mental Health
Ron Baum - A Devoted Life Long Coach And Mentor
Coach Spotlights are a way for the Meijer State Games of Michigan to show their appreciation for the coaches that have shaped the athletes competing in these events. This particular coach has been a part of MSGOM Hockey since the beginning. Due to this, he has been given the affectionate title ‘godfather’ of MSGOM Hockey. Please welcome onto the ice, Ron Baum!
The Best Trails to Look At Spring’s Sensational Splendor
It has been about a month since the first official day of spring on March 20. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and flowers are starting to bloom. Staying active by walking trails is a great way to participate in the healthy living movement. If you are having a staycation this spring break, here is a list of the best trails to see Michigan's beauty in Kent County and the surrounding areas.
Youth Players Experience Startling Pressure From Sports
Athletic competitions have turned friends into enemies, family fun into family feuds, and teammates into challengers. The Meijer State Games of Michigan Summer Games wants athletes to compete to the best of their abilities, but they want them to stay happy and energized. Family members, teammates, coaches, and individuals must help players overcome this pressure.
Tools and Tips for Meeting Mental Health Goals
Valuable Mobile Apps To Overcome Poor Mental Health
Simple Goals For Remarkably Better Mental Health
Michigan winters with early sunsets make the days feel shorter, but the season longer. It is because of this and the short days that 20-40% of Michigan residents experience Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD. The Meijer State Games of Michigan wants everyone to participate in healthy living by focusing on mental health as we come out of these winter months. We are going to start by setting four achievable and measurable goals for the month.