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Athlete of the Year

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Each year after the closing of the Meijer State Games of Michigan, an adult female, adult male, youth female, and youth male will be selected as the Athlete of the Year. Coaches, Parents, Spectators, as well as athletes will have the chance throughout the games to submit their nominations for who they think deserves this award.

The final selection will be based on the following criteria: participation in the State Games of Michigan, attitude and effort, sportsmanship, overall athletic participation and achievement, special attributes or circumstances, athlete’s motivation/reason for being involved in sports, why the athlete represents the spirit of amateur athletics and the State Games movement.

Athletes of the Year will be chosen following the conclusion of the Summer Games. Winter Games, Summer Games, and Virtual Games participants are eligible candidates for the Athletes of the Year. Deadline to submit a nomination is August 1, 2025.

Athletes that win the Meijer State Games of Michigan Athlete of the Year awards will be nominated for the National Congress of State Games (NCSG) Athlete of the Year Award. Meijer State Games of Michigan Athletes of the Year will be recognized at the Winter and Summer Opening Ceremony. If an athlete goes on to win the NCSG Athlete of the Year, they will be recognized at the NCSG Annual Symposium.

Year Adult Male Adult Female Youth Female Youth Male
2024 Jackson Ratajczak
Sam Doletsky
Mikayla Ratliff
Ice Hockey
Kaidin Bell
Disc Golf
2023 Trevor Stephenson
Track & Field
Andrea "Speedy" Hampton
Elarose Etchison
Figure Skating
Collin Harris
Ice Hockey
2022 Matthew Tesch
Track & Field
Tamara Steil
Chloe Barnes
Field Hockey
Andrew Von Matt
Ice Hockey
2021 Kyle Stokes
Track & Field
Rachel Lee
Archery FITA
Ella Spooner
Josh Luptak
Ice Hockey
2019 Noah Zomberg
Anastasia Schutte
Archery 3D
Catherine Vandergriff
Noah Iobe
2018 Kevin "Robert" Malnight
A.J. Selig
Isabella Nelson
Multiple Sports
Adin Fetibegovic
Tae Kwon Do
2017 Howard Booth
Track & Field
Jaylen Brennan
Chanda Reaksmey Him
Tae Kwon Do
Trevvor Kotrba
BMX Racing
2016 Marc LaForest
Janet Brady
Track & Field
Colette and Elyse Levens
John Earl
Tae Kwon Do
Year Male Female Youth
2015 Michael Edward Droste Jr.
Tae Kwon Do
Maddy Frank 
Mountain Biking
Aubrey Cohoon 
Figure Skating
2014 Alex Garcia
Cory Bush 
Speed Skating
Jade Walleman 
Track and Field
2013 Joe Skrycki 
Track and Field
Joan Berman 
Track and Field
Liam Smith 
2012 Russell Williams
Tae Kwon Do
Lauren Hooker
Derek Nicks 
2011 Bob Miller
Jessica LeMire
Chandler Simmering
2010 Jimmy O'Hearn
Track & Field
Emily Wee
Track & Field
William Vosejpka