Being Active Will Lead To Improved Mental Health
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You have probably been told that staying active will boost your mood throughout your life. Adopting a more active lifestyle can seem challenging at first, but once you commit to it, you won't want to stop. Being physically active can reduce stress levels and anxiety. Cardio can improve your memory. Your self-esteem and self-confidence will go through the roof. Physical activity may also give you the energy you need to get through the day.
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no more Negativities
Some days, you may need a binge day to relax and get absorbed into the latest and greatest sci-fi fantasy show. Even on those days, having some activity in your day is crucial. Going for a walk will help your mind more than sitting on the couch all day watching Netflix.
The Better Health Channel lists some mental health benefits as a distraction from negative thoughts, increased energy levels, and the changes of chemicals in our brains. Serotonin is the hormone that combats anxiety and depression. During physical activity, the release of endorphins, or hormones, fights off depressive feelings, stress, and pain.
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Cardio Combat
Matthew Solan, an executive editor at Harvard's Men Health Watch, wrote about the effects of cardio workouts on the brain. Through his research, Solan found that cardio exercises activate a molecule in our brains that can repair old brain cells and produce new ones. This molecule may be possibly linked to improved memory loss and Alzheimer's.
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Skyrocket self-esteem
Unfortunately, billions of people do not like their bodies. Their self-confidence is so low that they don't think that they can change their ways and improve themselves. They don't see value in themselves when they are constantly shown others with the ‘perfect' body and face. Here's the thing, you can do it. You have to take the first few steps to get started. Others have done it, and so can you. Being physically active can help you reach a healthy weight, build muscles, and tone your body. You will feel a sense of accomplishment after each activity. It proves to yourself that you are able to do anything that you put your mind to. All these things will help you build confidence, improve your self-esteem and give you a sense of achievement.
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Reduced Risk of Disease
Stress can harm your mind and your body. It can put you at risk of developing an illness. Common illnesses and side effects of stress are anxiety, depression, and headaches. It can also cause digestive problems, muscle tension, heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and weight gain. It can also impair your memory and focus. Staying active while changing your diet will reduce your risk of developing any problems.
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Natural Energy
The idea that exercise will make you tired is only partially accurate. It actually gives you a boost of energy. People that maintain a regular schedule and include physical activity have found that they have more power throughout their day. When exercising, our bodies produce fuel from what we eat and the oxygen we breathe. The more fuel that is made, the more energy your body has.
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ways to keep motivated and reach physical goals
Start slowly and expect to fit less than 150 minutes of exercise in your week. Create a weekly schedule specifying what type of exercise or activity you will do. A workout buddy is another way to stay motivated and stay on track. You can hold each other accountable. The Meijer State Games of Michigan Summer Games offers various activities individuals can train for and compete in. All athletes of ages and abilities are encouraged to compete.
The statements in this article are based on opinion and secondary research. Please consult a medical professional before making any major lifestyle changes.
The Meijer State Games of Michigan is a multi-sport, Olympic-style event(s) that welcome athletes regardless of age or ability level. The Games embody the values of participation, sportsmanship and healthy living.