COVID-19 Updates
Summer Games Update as of 5/27/2020: Due to ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19, the wrestling event is on hold until the committee and Meijer State Games staff find a viable solution. Any updates that occur to this sport will be posted to this page. Registered athletes will be contacted about any changes that may occur. Read the Meijer State Games of Michigan statement on COVID-19.
Update as of 7/30/20: Due to complications with COVID-19, the Meijer State Games and Wrestling Committee have decided to cancel the 2020 Wrestling event. This decision was made with the best interests of the athletes, coaches, referees, volunteers and spectators in mind. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2021!
This information is sourced from 2019. Please be patient with us as we determine 2020 details. The June event has currently been postponed (see note above). Thank you for your support and patience as we work through this process.
Boys Division (Folkstyle only):
Age Groups – Pee Wee (5&6); Bantam (7&8); Midget (9&10). Three (3) - 1 minute periods.
Boys/Mens Division (All styles):
Age Groups – Junior (11&12); Intermediate (13&14); High School (Ages 14-19). Three (3) - 1.5 minute periods.
Age Groups- Open (Ages 20-34); Masters (Ages 35+) Three (3) - 1.5 minutes periods.
Girls Division (Folkstyle only):
Age Group - Elementary (10&under); Middle School (11-13); High School (14-19). Three (3) - 1.5 minute periods.
Age Groups are determined by year of birth. (A wrestler's birthday as of December 31, 2019). Proof of age will be required if wrestler is challenged within the first two rounds of competition. A birth certificate is the only form of validation that will be accepted.
MYWA Members:
$25 for one style
$35 for two styles
$45 for all three styles
Non MYWA Members:
$30 for one style
$45 for two styles
$50 for all three styles
Walk Up Registration at Fifth Third Ballpark and Caledonia High School:
$5 extra to all above prices
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM (Freestyle & Greco)
10:00AM (Folk style)
All pre-registered players MUST go through the Meijer State Games of Michigan portal for waivers. Please choose “waiver only” division. Please note that going through this link does NOT register you or your team for this event.
To access this link, please click here.
Michigan Youth Wrestling Association - West Region Staff
ANYONE with any questionable skin issue or condition must have the appropriate Communicable Disease Form filled out and signed by the doctor (MD) with you at all times, and is subject for review during weigh-ins and during wrestling by the Head Official and Trainer on site. We take this very serious.
Head gear is Optional
Mouth guards Mandatory for wrestlers with braces for both upper, lower or both.
Hair caps are Mandatory for wrestlers not groomed to HS standards. (Hair length must be above eyebrow, earlobes, and collar.)
No facial hair. Mustache as long as it doesn’t go below the bottom lip. Groomed to HS standards
Event Admission
Adult: $7.00
Children: $5.00
Wrestling questions, contact Sport Director at Steve Gross at