COVID-19 Updates
Summer Games: Ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19 will affect each event differently. Any updates that occur to this sport will be posted to this page. Registered athletes will be contacted about any changes that may occur. Read the Meijer State Games of Michigan statement on COVID-19.
Update as of 9/2/20: Due to complications with COVID-19, the Meijer State Games and Softball Coed Committee have decided to cancel the 2020 Softball Coed tournament. While we were optimistic the event would happen, this decision was made with the best interests of the athletes, coaches, umpires, volunteers and spectators in mind. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2021!
This event is cancelled. Please see update above for information.
All information is based upon 2019. 2020 details, including dates, are still being determined. Thank you for your patience!
$275 per team
Double elimination tournament
All Players must be 18 or older
Modified ASA Rules
Teams must have at least 4 girls in the field and no more then 5 guys in the field to be able to play
No metal spikes
6 home run limit
The weave is allowed
Everyone will start with a 1/1 count
No Stealing
A portion of the profits will benefit the Rusty Warriors Foundation. To learn more, visit the website:
For Coed Softball questions, contact Sport Director Sean Bain at
For registration help, contact
This event is a qualifying event for the 2022 State Games of America. Any athletes who place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd has the opportunity to compete in the 2022 State Games of America hosted in Ames/Des Moines, IA.
Visit the State Games of America website for more information and to get registered for #SGA2022.