COVID-19 Updates
Summer Games: Ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19 will affect each event differently. Any updates that occur to this sport will be posted to this page. Registered athletes will be contacted about any changes that may occur. Read the Meijer State Games of Michigan statement on COVID-19.
Update as of 9/9/20: With the most recent Executive Order allowing gyms to open up, the new date for the Ninja Competition is September 26-27. We appreciate everyone’s patience and are excited to see you all out there!
COVID-19 Precautions: There will be various COVID-19 precautions taken at the event. Please find them below and make sure you are prepared when you arrive. We thank you for your compliance!
While in the building, please wear a face mask, even while competing.
With gyms at limited capacity, please only bring a max of 2 guests per participant.
Please do not linger inside the gym once your run is over.
While we love the camaraderie of the event, we ask participants and arrive shortly before your run time and leave immediately following it to avoid excess people within the building.
Stay socially distant from one another (6 feet).
Do NOT come to the event if you are feeling sick or unwell!
September 26
Individual - FINA with both speed and endurance courses
6-8 (8-9AM, 9-10AM, 10-11AM)
9/10 (11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM)
11/12 (2-3PM, 3-4PM)
13-15 (4-5PM, 5-6PM)
16-39 (6-7PM, 7-8PM)
40+ (4-5PM, 5-6PM)
All age groups are male and female
Medals for top male and female finishers
All pre-registered players MUST go through the Meijer State Games of Michigan portal for waivers. Please note that going through this link does NOT register you or your team for this event.
For Ninja questions, contact Sport Director Ed McNulty at
This event is a qualifying event for the 2022 State Games of America. Any athletes who participates has the opportunity to compete in the 2022 State Games of America hosted in Ames/Des Moines, Iowa.
Visit the State Games of America website for more information and to get registered for #SGA2022