Registration closes June 19 at 8:00 pm ET
*All registered athletes get free admission into the 2019 Opening Ceremony
Entry Fee
$15 Youth
$20 Senior (55+)
$25 Adult
Plus a $3.00 convenience fee
Onsite registration is available. The rates for onsite are below.
$20 Youth
$25 Senior (55+)
$30 Adult
Youth Begins at 9:00 AM
Age 11 and Under Female
Age 11 and Under Male
Age 12-15 Female
Age 12-15 Male
Age 16-19 Female
Age 16-19 Male
Adult Begins at 9:00 AM
Age 20-34 Female
Age 20-34 Male
Age 35-54 Female
Age 35-54 Male
Seniors Begins at 9:00 AM
Age 55 and over Female
Age 55 and over Male
*Check in is one hour before start time*
Each participant will bowl a total of 4 games and the total amount of pins knocked down in all four games will determine 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each age category above.
Bowling tournament questions: contact sports director Eric Bottrall at
Registration questions: contact
2019 Opening Ceremony
Join us June 21, 2019 at Fifth Third Ballpark. We will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Meijer State Games of Michigan.
Athletes will have the opportunity to represent their sport in the athlete parade. Learn more about Opening Ceremony.
This event is a qualifying event for the 2019 State Games of America. Any athletes who place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd has the opportunity to compete in the 2019 State Games of America hosted in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Visit the State Games of America website for more information and to get registered for #SGA2019.