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Photo Contest Information

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Categories, criterion and prizes

One winner will be selected from each category.

1. Best Sports Action Photo

-Must be from a Summer Games sporting event

-Submit up to 3 different sports photos

-Winner receives $250 gift card to Marks Photo and Video

2. Best Opening Ceremony Photo

-Your choice of any photo taken during Opening Ceremony 

-Winner receives $250 gift card to Marks Photo and Video

3. People's Choice

-Your choice of any photo taken during the games

-Winner receives $250 gift card to Marks Photo and Video


All photos (entries and CD/DVD/USB) must be received before July 13, 2018 at 5:00pm ET in order to win the prize. Winners will be announced on July 24, 2018. Photographers must turn in all photos on CD/DVD/USB in order to win.


Sports Action and Opening Ceremony photos submitted before the deadline will be judged by an independent panel.

The people's choice entries will be posted on our Facebook page and our fans will have one week to like, comment, and share the photograph. The photo with the most likes, comment, and shares at the one week voting deadline will be the winner.


Registration into the contest is free. Please click the register button at the bottom of this page to register. If you would prefer to register with a .pdf form please contact Melissa Brink at mbrink@stategamesofmichigan.com. The deadline to register is June 11. Photographers must be registered and approved for a credential in order to participate in the contest and photograph Summer Games events.

Additional Information

Please clearly label contest photographs (SportsAction1, PeoplesChoice or OpeningCeremony).

Photographers are welcome to use photo editing software to enhance image(s), but may not combine multiple photos into one. 

Photos may not contain watermarks or copyrighted images other than the State Games of Michigan partners/sponsors.


Photographers will remain the property of the official photographers. Photographer must agree to provide the Meijer State Games of Michigan with a CD/DVD/USB containing a full set of photos. Photographers must agree to provide full use rights to the Meijer State Games of Michigan, Michigan Sports Alliance, and West Michigan Sports Commission.

The copy of the photos must be high resolution .jpgs and if possible titled by sport

Submitting photographs gives the West Michigan Sports Commission and the Michigan Sports Alliance the right to copy and freely use the photos, including advertising or publicity purposes, without any compensation. The photo copyright remains with the photographers, but signing the release form, gives us the right to use them. 

All photos will be posted on State Games of Michigan Flickr page and may be visible on the Meijer State Games of Michigan website for viewing with proper acknowledgements given when possible. Photos are likely to be used for marketing promotions with acknowledgments given when possible. 

Upon completion of the event a disk or USB drive with the photos taken will be sent to:

Meijer State Games of Michigan Attn: State Games of Michigan Photo 171 Monroe Ave. NW Suite 545 Grand Rapids, MI 49503

(Optional) Photographers may agree to have their photos included in a sport specific album on the State Games of Michigan Facebook page. Photos posted will be no larger than 800 px and will not contain photographer watermark, but will include a "Photo courtesy of PHOTOGRAPHER NAME.".